Bigg Boss 16 2nd January 2023 Full Episode

In Bigg Boss 16 2nd January 2023 Full Episode Batti Gul Nominations task happened, Contestants called Shalin- Tina’s love relationship fake. In Nominations task Shiv Thakre nominated Sumbul Touqeer Khan after which sumbul got offended. Also, Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia nominated Sajid Khan and saved Sumbul after which Sajid Khan got angry.
Contestants call Tina – Shalin Relationship Fake
Bigg Boss asked All contestants to come into the confession room and give their opinions about Tiona – Shalin’s relationship whether it is fake or real. Bigg Boss said their relationship has been confusing to audience from the starting and after this so long. So, Please tell us your views about them.

Abdu and Sajid- Abdu said Shalin and Tina’s relationship is friendship or love, we don’t understand. It is not clear, their actions different with their words. He said, Tina or both thought tomorrow is nominations we have to be romantic that is why they were dancing yesterday.

Nimirt and Stan said – Nimirit said I don’t see even a bit of reality in their relationship, She called it hashtag fake. MC stan said, They have got a show after so long especially Tina datta. That is why they are doing these things to be in the show.
Priyanka said – In public they stay with each other but they are very different from each other.
Nominations Task – Batti Gull

Today Nominations task started in Bigg Boss 16 house and it is named Batti gull. Contestants were sitting in small straw houses with an elctric bulb placed there. There will be several rounds a wheel be rotated with names on it. Whoever’s name has come will be the managaer of that round and he or she will decided whosehouse will get electricity and whose not. In the end of several rounds happening, Those contestants with no light in their small straw houses will get nominated and those who have lights will be saved from nominations.
Shiv Thakre Nominated Sumbul

So, In a round Shiv Thakre first spinned the name wheel and his name came on it. So he was the electricity manager for that round in game. Shiv switched off electricity of Sumbul Touqeer Khan’s house and nominated her. He gave the reason that Sumbul needs to take stands for herself and by her own thinking. She usually takes stands and fights when someone asks her to do so. So, It will be better if she take stands by her own mindset.

Sumbul got offended and said Okay its fine. Priyanka asked Sumbul why are you getting frustrated, sometimes you should enjoy the darkness.