CBSE 10th Result 2024

So, CBSE 10th Class exam ended on 13th March 2024 and now the dates for CBSE 10th Result 2024 has been announced. The CBSE 10th class result will be declared on 20th May 2024. 10th class CBSE results date are announced and will be declared between 20th May 2024.
Copy Checking Process of CBSE 10th Class as well as for 12th class is complete. The scores of students are being recorded and updated on online data. This process will be completed before the end of April and the result is scheduled to be declared on 20th May 2024.
10th class CBSE results can be checked below, which will be announced on 20th May 2024.
CBSE 10th Class Result Date
This year in 2024 CBSE 10th Class Result Date is 20th May 2024. 10th class CBSE results will be announced and students can check their 10th class CBSE results online here as well as on official site of CBSE.
CBSE announces 12th class CBSE results first and after that CBSE 10th Class Results will be announced. From last 3-years results were declared very late because of late exams but this year in 2024 CBSE 10th class exams completed on 13th March 2023. So, the class CBSE results 2023 will be announced soon on 20th May 2023 on official site and students can check the result here below.
Latest Update – 21 Lakh Students appeared for 10th class CBSE examinations and from previous records 91 percent of students who appear for exams get passed in the CBSE 10th class exams every year. So approximately 19 Lakh Students will be passed this year too.
CBSE class 10 board exams
There are total of six subjects of exams in CBSE class 10 board exams. Every paper or subject consists of maximum marks 100. But, Students appear for only 80 marks question paper and the rest 20 marks are given by school by assessing the student in tests, project files and experiments, etc. So, Total of one subject by adding 20 and 80 becomes 100.
There are six subjects, so all total maximum marks become 600 and students must score highest to get top ranks and high percentage in their school, local districts, city, and state. Every brilliant students hope for 100 percentage and to become the topper of the country and become famous. But few achieve this milestone.
Subject | Each paper (Out of 80) | Supplementary Marks from school 20 | Total Marks (Out of 100) |
Science | 80 | 20 | 100 |
Maths | 80 | 20 | 100 |
Social Science (SST) | 80 | 20 | 100 |
Hindi | 80 | 20 | 100 |
English | 80 | 20 | 100 |
Computer | 80 | 20 | 100 |
Total Marks | 480 | 120 | 600 |
CBSE 10th Result 2024 minimum marks for passing – Calculate percentage
Here is the table where you can check how much you must score to get minimum marks for passing, how much marks should come in your CBSE 10th Result 2024 to become topper or get first division,distinction,etc.
Description | Total Marks | Percentage |
Minimum Marks Required | 198 | 33% |
Second Division | 240 | 40% |
First Division | 360 | 60% |
75% | 450 | 75% |
80% | 480 | 80% |
90% | 540 | 90% |
95% | 570 | 95% |
So, According to CBSE minimum marks for passing CBSE 10th Class Result are 198. That means a student must at least core 198 marks for passing 10th class cbse result and be promoted to next class 11th.
Minimum conditions for passing CBSE 10th class Result 2024
- Student’s total marks must be at least 198 or more.
- Students must attain minimum marks for passing in at least five papers out of six. If he fails to do so and is fail inmore than two subjects, then he is fail overall, and then he has to repeat the 10th class.
If a student fails in only one or two subjects then he has the chance to re appear for those one or two subjects in the same year in July month and he can then be promoted to class 11th same year without repeating 10th class and not wasting one year.
Latest Update as of now 20th May 2024 – Important there will be no negative marking and also the marking will not be hard. Marks for diagrams as well as for steps(step marking) will be given.
Secondary School Examination (Class X) 2024
CBSE 10th Class Result

Check your CBSE 10th Class Result here. The result of cbse 10th class is announced you have to fill your roll number mentioned in your admit card and email for checking CBSE 10th Class Result and getting notified for the result until announced.
You have to keep these details ready to fill and check your cbse 10th class result 2024.
Check – CBSE 10th class result
Secondary School Examination (Class X) 2024
Enter your Roll Number | |
Enter School No. | |
Enter Date of Birth | ( Type DOB in dd/mm/yyyy format or Click icon ) |
Enter Admit Card ID. |
CBSE 10th Class Compartment exam for Fail in Subject
If a student failed in not more than two subjects out of six, then he has the opportunity to re-appear for exam of those two subjects. This repeat exam for students who failed in one or two subjects only is conducted by cbse and termed as CBSE 10th Class Compartment exam
CBSE students can fill the compartment exam form within 2-3 weeks of CBSE 10th Result 2024 Results announcement. For example – The CBSE 10th Result 2024 Results will be announced on 20th May 2024. So, Compartment exams form must be filled in month of may and its last date will be around 1st week of June.
CBSE 10th Class Results – How to fill Compartment exam form
Compartment exam form can be filled through your school. You will have to ask your principal to fill your compartment exam form in the respective subjects. After that, Your form will be filled, and you will have to wait for admit card of Compartment exam. Exams will be conducted in month of July and its CBSE 10th Class result will be declared in month of August-September.
If you are passed, then you can appear for 11th class annual exams, but you may not be allowed to attend classes in the 11th standard of your school.
NOTE- If you fail in compartment exams also then you have to repeat CBSE 10th class and wait for next year’s exams and CBSE 10th Class Result. Also, You can not give compartment exams in more than two subjects.
CBSE 10th class Marksheet 2024
As soon the CBSE 10th class Result 2024 is declared you can view and download your mark sheet from here and link t official site is also provided. Students can check their 10th class CBSE mark sheet, download it and get admission to next class or change their schools if they want to.
Toppers of CBSE 10th class Result 2024

Some Students from different states get full marks in cbse 10th class results every year. They become the toppers of their respective states and also all India in cbse 10th class toppers list. Toppers of CBSE 10th class Result 2024 will be displayed here as soon as the cbse 10th class result is announced.