With Bigg Boss 18 heading into its final week, the spotlight is firmly on the remaining contestants. Among them, Eisha Singh has become a magnet for controversy, especially after the recent media round. Clashes erupted when journalists openly questioned her modern, glamorous onscreen persona versus her allegedly “backward” or “patriarchal” views in the house. Eisha was visibly taken aback when one reporter derisively nicknamed her “Chugli Aunty,” implying her main role has been fueling gossip rather than driving meaningful gameplay.
The confrontation was a double blow for Eisha: first, her pride was hit by the personal nature of the remarks; second, it forced her to address how she is perceived outside the Bigg Boss bubble. The house environment, after all, intensifies behaviors as contestants jockey for survival. Eisha fired back, insisting she’s no different from anyone else who voices opinions. She pointed out that heated discussions are an inevitable part of the format—so why single her out?
However, viewers on social media have been divided. Some claim Eisha’s approach is simply strategic—she’s stirring the pot to remain relevant. Others believe she’s genuinely expressing her personality, but the competitive environment makes it appear more dramatic. One thing is certain: she’s captured the public’s attention, for better or worse.
Meanwhile, other finalists like Karan Veer Mehra, Avinash Mishra, Vivian Dsena, Rajat Dalal, Shilpa Shirodkar, and Chum Darang are strategizing tirelessly to avoid eviction, especially after Chaahat Pandey’s unexpected departure. With the house abuzz, alliances can shift at any moment. As the final countdown begins, each housemate is under intense scrutiny, not just by Bigg Boss but by the press and the entire nation.
Whether Eisha’s defiant stance against media criticism helps or hinders her finale prospects remains to be seen. One thing is certain: Bigg Boss 18 is all set for a high-octane finish.