First we would like to wish everyone Rami dan Mubarak and encourage everyone to be kind and peaceful always but furthermore on the holy/ month of Ramadan.
We felt it was necessary to clear up the matter fficially regarding Mc S tan since abdu is receiving some backlash and hate without public actual y knowing any scenari
On 10th March Sajid Khan visited Abdu and Mc stan was calling Sajid phone. Abdu was so excited and happy to speak to Stan taking the hone “Salamalaikum mere dil mere jaan how are you my brother I miss you so much” Stan replied on speaker with Said I will call you later and hung up. Abdu then sent Stan a voice note asking why did you not Sal um me or say you’re busy and until this day Stan has not responded or addressed why he did that.
11th March Abdu and Stan were both in Banga ore. Abdu spoke to Stan manager saying he wanted to support his brother by attending not performing to which Abdu got response from security team and organizers that Stan does not want abdu in the venue. Abdu then, thinking this was a mistake from stan team, tried to go to the venue as a normal guest with ticket only to be sworn at very bad words by stans management and to be turned away at the normal entrance and have the car damaged and panels broken.
Following these events two record labels have called stating that they wanted collaboration between Abdu and Stan but they were informed by Stan and his team that they do not wish to work with Abdu. Abdu never asked for these collaborations or request id, these were independent labels who wanted this collab. Abdu was naturally disappointed and saddened due to the response as he believed him and Mc Stan are friends and naturally out of manners and respect discussing these things privately first before public hear is more respectful.
Lastly mandali members had informed Abdu that Stan said Abdu has rot taken a picture with his mother at the bigg boss finale and that Stan was offended by this. Abcu was really upset to hear this as when Abdu came out of bigg boss one of hii first calls was to stans mother for Salam and to tell her Stan is doing OK. Of course since she wears hijab and abdu respecting her massively he never refused any picture and was not asked I but of course as a Muslim brother did not understand this issue.
Stan had also informed the Mandali members that abdu had unfollowed him and had deleted their collab post but abdu never followed Stan and had 4 million international followers before entering bigg boss and since Stan follows nobody it was never an issue discussed between them. The collab post with abdu and Stan we can confirm was requested by stans team by what’sapp to post collab and later deleted by them also without telling abdu.
More than all of these small issues Abdu is saddened by the fact that the public and media are treating abdu like a baby or that he does not understand anything. Abclu spent 105 days in the bigg boss house on his own with no support from family or management. As little or large an issue may be, respect is so important between brothers and between fans and their idols. We condemn anyone who is being racist, body shaming, bullying height shaming ar d defaming abdu and will take action against the specific group of accounts who are doing this.
We thank everyone else for the support and love at du has and wish everyone a blessed and peaceful Ramadan.