The excitement in Bigg Boss 18 is at its peak as we approach the finale. Recently, Chaahat Pandey got evicted, leaving only seven contestants in the house. Now, a mid-week eviction is creating buzz. The remaining contestants are Vivian Dsena, Karan Veer Mehra, Avinash Mishra, Eisha Singh, Shilpa Shirodhkar, Chum Darang, and Rajat Dalal. But who will leave next?
According to reports, Eisha Singh, Chum Darang, and Shilpa Shirodhkar are at the bottom in votes. Eisha has been criticized by both the audience and the media. In a recent promo, she was called “Chugli Auntie” for her lack of individuality.
Chum Darang is also facing criticism for depending too much on Karan Veer Mehra. Many feel she should play her own game at this stage. Similarly, Shilpa Shirodhkar has been called out for playing through others rather than showing her own strong opinions.
With voting lines still open, anything can happen. Will these three escape eviction, or will the house lose more contestants before the finale? Stay tuned to Bigg Boss 18 on Jio Cinema and Colors to find out.
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